8 Steps to your first Finance and Accounting Power BI report
Getting started for finance & accounting professionals.
There could not be a bigger or more in-demand tool for finance and accounting professionals to learn today other than Power BI.
Excel will always be there to solve different problems, but Power BI is fast gaining momentum across the accounting and finance community yet many are still slow to adopt it given it's more of an "advanced" tool for "developers".
Lance will debunk this barrier and show how in 8 easy steps almost any finance or accounting professional can develop a data model using multiple time dimensions (actual, budgets, forecasts) and deal with the financial constructs of profit and income statements.
What you get from attending?
My personal secrets where I learnt Power BI to get me and my team started and how you can follow a similar path we all took (everyone's is slightly different).
A highly structured approach to getting started for accounting and finance professionals but also others looking to enter into the Power BI world with a finance and accounting lens.
Learning how to handle finance and accounting multi-time dimensions (actuals, budgets, forecasts) etc over the calendar and financial years contexts as well without having to write a single line of code or use any custom visuals.
Access to dummy financial data with product and location dimensions across actuals, budget and forecast data.
Downloadable and completed Power BI report to explore
Downloadable PDF report
Live interactions and questions.
If you want to have a closer look and interact with the Power BI embedded report, just click below and enjoy!