We can help you with
modelling, analytics,
automation & CFO support
Small to Medium Enterprises struggle to survive given the limited resources at their disposal. Often not able to afford a full time qualified finance function.
Accountants and bookkeepers providing them with some much needed financial information, however making relevant, informed and purposeful decisions with insight is still a challenge.
Being the CEO,CFO, CIO, COO can be overwhelming for small business owners.
These businesses need financial modelling to better manage and understand their cashflow.
Model Citizn has helped many SMEs understand key financial aspects of their business including cash inflows and outflows that impact their own back pockets.
We develop cashflow modelling tools which enable the business to accurately forecast how long their cash with last, when they are likely to reach break-even and how much capital they need to survive expansion or threats.
We help business by providing owners with a robust decision making tool that is not often available to small business.
Tihs tool is delivered through financial modelling sevices that we provide.